- 09 Dec 2021
- Leroy Silva
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The repeated dengue afflictions:
Primary and secondary antibodies reacting in the body raise the risk of death, according to doctors. These infections, as well as the horrors of Dengue Fever, continue to exist. Patients in Kerala have recently been diagnosed with a disease whose peculiar characteristics and implications have baffled Kerala’s medical professionals. Patients who were regularly diagnosed with dengue died at a higher rate of the death pattern.
Antibody-dependent immunological enhancement is how type-I antibodies amplify and complicate the type-II virus through virus absorption and reproduction. A person who is diagnosed with fever will only be treated for the symptoms of their rage, not for the virus itself.”
Within a week, the dengue virus, like any other viral fever, will diminish and produce antibodies. Those who are infected with dengue twice or three times are more likely to have internal bleeding as a result of subsequent antibodies. In an interview with Thiruvananthapuram Medical College, Dr. Althaf A, an associate professor of community medicine, noted that this can result in dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome are potentially lethal.
Can control Dengue Fever with rest and medicine, and antibodies will be formed in the body that will protect against the type-I strain for the remainder of one’s life. The body will produce a new set of antibodies if a mosquito bites the same person more than once before contracting dengue. These antibodies respond, causing severe problems and even death in the patient’s in some cases.
Government officials have yet to gather and analyze the messy data and diagnoses they’ve gleaned from the various sources. Medical experts claim there is no comprehensive database or research on this topic. West Nile fever, a mosquito-borne disease, was discovered during an autopsy in a suspected case of dengue fatality in 2013.”
Dengue Fever may not be responsible for all recorded deaths. Because of a lack of scientific study and research, we are unable to contain mortality,” Dr. Altaf stated. It has four distinct strains, and the risk of contracting one of them increases with each subsequent attack. The reaction of antibodies already present in their body may cause significant internal bleeding or blood loss.”
Dr. Amar Fettle, a former state nodal officer, remarked, “This is a matter that we need to investigate.” Furthermore, researchers estimate that an increase in the frequency of genetic mutation in pathogen-causing viruses is responsible for a large percentage of the increase in overall mortality rates over the past few decades.
Genetic coding of dengue:
One of the reasons for the problems is that the genetic coding of dengue-causing viruses can spontaneously change. This virus, like the H1N1 virus, is thought to have undergone a genetic change. Human-to-human transmission was made possible in 2008 due to a mutation that first appeared in the H1N1 virus in animals and then in people, according to Dr. Altaf. This is something that has been seen by dengue doctors as well.
Patients who go to the doctor for diarrhea, throat pain, and vomiting may eventually be diagnosed with dengue.” There was a high Dengue Fever, as well as back and stomach pain. According to a doctor in a major city hospital, “it’s not the same now.” There has been an outbreak of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. These insects are capable of transmitting diseases such as chikungunya, yellow fever, and Zika fever. Our atmosphere is highly responsive to the spread of these diseases, and we are at risk.